Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Does a Republican House help the cause, or hurt America?

With the recent election cycle concluded, I wondered what this shift in Power really means for us. While I am thankful that many incumbents were defeated, and the Republican Party is now the majority in the House, I am curious to see how this will truly benefit us.

My first reaction was of disappointment that the Republicans did not win both houses of Congress, but then I had to think back to the mid-terms during Clinton's administration. The Contract for America, which paved the way for a lot of good for our country, was successfully spearheaded by the Republican-led House and Senate.  The success of this initiative primarily secured Clinton's re-election and the beginning of the downturn of the economy.  Some of you liberals may not agree, but the fact is we were already headed in a downward spiral before W took the ranks.

With this being said, I am partially happy that the Republicans didn't sweep both houses.  If they did get the message from the people - that we are tired of the crappy job from our representatives - and made enough changes to make for a successful two years, their strides may be attributed to Obama's leadership.  Since we know he is not much of a leader, at least of this country, I would surely NOT want to see another 4 years of his mistakes.

Granted, I do not believe there is enough time in two years to undo the damage that he has already done.  But, I do hope the Republican-led House and the Democrat-led Senate (with some pressure from the Right and the thought of losing their jobs in 2012) would be able to at least help us head in the right direction.  This post is not an attempt to talk about the lack of skills and experience of Obama; that would be a much longer post.  I am not suggesting that I am glad certain candidates lost their races, or should have thrown their races for the sake of the overall strategy, but I am saying that this is an opportunity to allow Obama to continue to stick his foot in his mouth and continue to screw up so there can be a complete change of power in 2012.

I also believe that this is the time for the Republican Party to produce candidates that actually will work according to its core principles and the Constitution, not just rhinos in elephant clothing.  At the end of the day, I want our country to thrive regardless of who is in power, but we cannot continue to allow the current Administration to keep learning their lessons on the job.

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