Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Driving Miss Nancy. Who's the sell out?

The Democratic Party voted overwhelmingly for Nancy Pelosi to become the Minority Leader.  Although that is quite a joke, and shows how stupid that Party is for keeping her in leadership, that is not the real story here.

The real story is the ridiculous backdoor deal she struck with Congressman Jim Clyburn from South Carolina. Clyburn was hoping to secure the number 2 spot, the Minority Whip, against Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). Instead, Pelosi made a deal with him to step aside so Hoyer could become the number 2. In exchange, Pelosi would nominate him for a newly created position, called Assistant Leader.

Clyburn urged the Democratic lawmakers to accept Pelosi's proposal, stating that "the best way to resolve this issue, maintain diversity in the leadership and cohesion in our caucus is to pull up another chair to the leadership table..." Really?! Is that what we are calling it now? Clyburn's plea sounds more like him accepting to be Pelosi's whipping boy than him actually taking a viable leadership role.

This new position would make Clyburn the Number 3 person in the Democratic leadership. It sounds good on the surface, but if you look a little deeper, you will uncover that this position is nothing more than an attempt to appease Clyburn and the Black legislature by throwing a bone.  Where is the outrage?  Where is the CBC? NAACP? Jessie or Al?  Heck, Kanye?  They are always so quick to judge and jump all over people spewing racism. Where is their loud voice now?

I also don't hear anyone calling him a sellout. This is certainly a true example of one.  Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), CBC Chairwoman, was an avid supporter of Clyburn being the Minority Whip. She believed Clyburn as Whip "is the most logical position for him." Now, she praises his new position, touting the job will position Clyburn to continue "helping move the Democratic agenda forward." Sounds more like he will be driving Miss Nancy, instead of actually having a backbone and standing up as a leader within his Party. The difference is that I seriously doubt Nancy and Jim are good pals.

I have to thank my mother for the great title idea. I created a picture of Clyburn in the driver's seat and Pelosi in the back, but I am not trying to get sued so I decided to leave the picture out.

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